Israeli Association for Crystal Growth

The Israeli Association for Crystal Growth is affiliated with the International Organization for Crystal Growth.

It was founded by the late Prof. Michael Schieber concurrently with the foundation of the International Organization for Crystal Growth (IOCG).

The association’s mission is to promote crystal growth education, advancing theory and practice of crystal growth and characterization. It’s outlook is in line with Prof. Schieber’s and the IOCG’s vision.

The IsACG is an active member of the IOCG, participating in its various international activities.

International and Local Events

July 30’th to the 2’nd of August, 2025 The international Summer School on Crystal Growth (ISSCG-19)
The 4’th to 8’th of August, 2025, Xi’an, China, International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE 21)

IsACG Affiliations

The International Organization of Crystal Growth (IOCG) and all the national member organizations affiliated with the IOCG.
Israeli Vacuum Society (IVS)

Executive Committee

Chair: M. Roth (Hebrew University)

Secretary: G. Orr (Ariel University)

Tel: +972-2-549-4664
Fax: +972-2-658-5117
E-mail: gilad.orr {at}